This “review” will be spoilerific. Thought I’d put that here
because no matter how old something is, there’s always that one guy who throws
a “DUDE, SPOILERS!” tantrum so don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Bioshock is one of those games that everyone who’s ever
stood near an XBox at some point seems to know, love and idolise so given that
I’m a cynical bastard by nature and tend to distrust the opinion of the
majority after the Transformers movies, Mrs Browns Boys and Coldplay all became
popular, I avoided Bioshock like a particularly rashy Asian hooker. But lo and
behold, sometimes the unwashed sweary masses can be somewhat right, it’s
actually pretty good!
You play as the faceless, voiceless and sexily named Jack in
his journey through the underwater city of Rapture. We’re guided on our epic
quest by Atlas, a man we should all know right from the start will turn out to
be evil, just goes to show how much a cute little Irish accent will do to make
you trust someone. I’m honestly not sure whether making it incredibly obvious
that Atlas is the villain from the start is a comment on the
blindly-following-orders nature of modern gamer or whether they didn’t hide it
very well and just made a predictable game but still, you have to follow his
orders to progress. One of the more impressive aspects of the game is the city
itself. The sheer amount of detail that obviously went into accurately
capturing a 50’s/60’s vibe, in architecture, decoration, in-game advertising
and soundtrack, is laudable to say the least. It’s one of those cities that
feels much larger than it actually is, proving that sheer solid game design
will always trump the sandbox method of just copy and pasting miles and miles
of anonymous cities and countryside.
I’ve heard that the gameplay is basically ripped wholesale
from Fallout and System Shock games but I haven’t played or even seen very much
of these games so I’ll be treating Bioshock as a separate entity. The basic
combat is somewhat standard, you start with a useless melee weapon and
gradually acquire the usual collection of handgun, shotgun, and machine gun and
yeah yeah we’ve all been here before! Of course it’s technically sound but what
isn’t, these days? A feature that does separate Bioshock from other generic
shooters is the use of what are known as Plasmids. These are basically little
balls of magic you can shoot out of your hands, for some reason, and give you
the ability to do everything from shoot fire, lightning and bees at your
enemies to hypnotising them or turning security cameras on them. Granted, they
do lose their effectiveness as the game progresses and gunplay becomes more
prominent but they’re still fun and somewhat useful. The game continues its
pretensions to having RPG elements with the use of Tonics, power ups you
collect through the game, and like many RPG power-ups they offer minimal
noticeable aid, I played through the entire thing paying little to no attention
to them and I did fine, maybe they’re more helpful on higher difficulties, who
There are also 2 forms of currency, regular money, used to
buy ammo and health items and such, and ADAM, a supposedly rare substance
collected by murdering massive fuckers in sea suits knows as “Big Daddies” and
killing/saving, depending on the ending you want, the adorable children they
protect that’s used to purchase further upgrades and tonics. This is another
aspect of the game that I didn’t bother with too much. The game bombards you
with messages telling you how important ADAM is that you’ll basically die in
shame without it but I did fine on the bare minimum. I suspect this has more to
do with the game’s discussion of Capitalism than gameplay necessity, especially
as the hassle of killing the Big Daddies vastly outweighs the positives that
ADAM offers. Notice I used the word “hassle” there and not “challenge.” Nothing
in this game is challenging due to the fact that life restoring “Vita Chambers”
are placed every 5 feet and are completely free to use, reducing every
encounter with a tough enemy to running into the room, firing a few shots,
dying and repeating until it’s dead. Admittedly it takes a while to figure out
and even to accept that this is the case but once you realise there’s very
little reason to fear any of the enemies or to have any sense of caution at
all, the game is pretty much broken and any sense of flow or tension goes right
out of the window. Which sounds much worse than it is. It’s still fun, just not
very hard. Also, the fact that your character is completely without a voice or
an appearance or even a name that you don’t have to search the Internet for
does wonders for immersion. The lack of speech, thought and reaction on the
part of the protagonist has the Half-Life effect of allowing you to project
your own personality into the role and makes the story feel like it’s your own;
a cliché at this point but very true for Bioshock.
For the most part, the story is pretty solid. Rapture is
shown to have been a Utopian society, filled with all of the greatest artists
and scientists of the World living in peace and utterly excelling until human
nature takes over, as it always does in these cases, when a couple of guys get greedy and the whole
places goes to shit. You’re tasked by “Atlas” to take down one of them, Andrew
Ryan, a sort of all powerful businessman who rules over Rapture, and of course
Atlas is also a villain and you then have to take him down too. The game deals
with Objectivist philosophy; Ryan created Rapture as a place where society’s
elite could follow their passions and profit from their work without the
“parasites” of regular society interfering, a philosophy that I feel is
presented in a somewhat neutral way. I've heard it said that Bioshock
represents an attack on Objectivism but that’s not entirely true, I mean, the
guy built a fully functioning city at the bottom of the freaking ocean, it must
have some benefits. The real message here seems to be that taking any
philosophy to extremes will have disastrous consequences, so it comes off as
more of a discussion of Objectivism and human nature in general. The negative
side of Objectivism is more obvious in the various “artists” you meet
throughout the game, an insane plastic surgeon and a man who wants pictures of
dead people for his “masterpiece,” for example; showing the ugly side of what
can happen when people are allowed to indulge in their… erm, “art” without
interference or a good slap in the cock.
This next part is probably going to be more of an analysis
than a review. It’s my opinion that the game is entirely too long. Not in an
“it’s crap and should be 0 minutes long lulz!” kind of way. I’m saying that the
section after Andrew Ryan’s death is completely unnecessary and actually serves
to ruin the fantastic game that’s come before it. Sometimes you just need to
know when to stop; taking the piss out of someone is funny for a bit but carry
it on for too long and they start crying and everyone forgets you were funny at
one point and remembers you as a bellend.
Here’s how I would have ended Bioshock: Put the final boss
fight after Ryan’s death. You know that feeling of completion and closure you
get when you see Liquid collapse at the end of Metal Gear Solid? That’s just
what was coming as Ryan died, and I fully expected the boss fight with Fontaine
to follow, the fact that it didn’t just felt anti-climactic. It makes sense, I
mean, the overall message of the game is literally shouted into your face by
Ryan and you feel nice and angry about being betrayed and just plain ready to kick
some ass. The moral choice system works here too; Tenenbaum uses you to kill
Fontaine and leaves you to die if you’ve been a dick to the Little Sisters and
helps you to escape if you’ve been nice to them. The fact that each of the
endings work just as well with 3-4 hours of gameplay removed can’t be a good
The section that does take place after the scene with Ryan
just feels like padding, as if someone finished the game and thought, “Nah, not
long enough.” Which it would have been, it’s roughly double the length of any
Modern Warfare game even without the last section. Also, the revelation that
you’re under mind control is nothing more than lowest-common-denominator
garbage. The player just doing what they’re told because it’s a videogame and
you’re supposed to follow the narrator should be enough, and surely it’s much
easier to arrange a plane crash than to arrange for a sleeper agent to be
created years in advance just in case something bad maybe happens? It certainly
ties in with the players struggle against the Objectivist Ryan; I mean, all of
his ranting about you being a slave would make a lot more sense if you were
acting under your own free will and just following orders because of reasons,
and makes very little sense given that you had literally NO choice but to
follow orders. I suppose they didn’t think that moron action gamers could pick
up on this and had to explain it in a ridiculous literal way, which would make
sense if this was Gears of War but the rest of the game is actually a fairly intelligent
philosophical discussion so why even bother creating a thoughtful and artistic
game if you’re just going to flake out at the last minute and pander to the
idiots? I guess padding and slotting in some extra mindless shooting, fetch
quests and that pathetic “dress as a Big Daddy” escort mission were more
important than crafting a complete story that makes sense.
Actually, the mind control thing creates a few plot
holes. For example, “Atlas” gives you the choice to rescue the Little Sisters
or harvest them for extra ADAM. Now, surely it’s in his best interests for you
to get all of the ADAM you can to help you along your way so why in God’s name
wouldn’t he just say, “Would you kindly rip their fucking spleens out?” I mean,
he’s already been controlling you enough; this wouldn’t have been a deal
breaker. At least if you’re not under mind control, actually being given a
choice makes some sort of sense. Also, if Fontaine does have you under some
kind of absolute mind control, why not just say, “Would you kindly not get the
fucking antidote!?” The game seems to suggest that Fontaine’s control is broken
after you realise it’s him and not Atlas so if that’s truly the case then why
do we need the antidote? As it stands, there seems to be some kind of remnant
of his control that can somehow cause you to die but not follow his orders any
more. I don’t know why, it’s basically written off as “a science thing” and
ignored while you do another fetch quest. The ability to make any kind of
allegiance with Tenenbaum while under Fontaine’s ‘control’ also makes no sense,
something else that would have been far more easily explainable if you weren’t
under weird genetic mind control.
For that matter, let’s say for example that you’ve spent the
entirety of the game treating the Little Sisters in the same way that Dawn
French treats chocolate eclairs. Why on Earth would she actively help you to
escape, in this case? The fact that she’s using you to kill Fontaine is fine,
but why would she just leave you to your escape instead of sending a bunch of
Big Daddies round for a mega-drill bukkake? You’ve already been betrayed once,
it wouldn’t have been a push to have it happen again, and it would certainly
have added some weight to the decision to harvest Little Sisters on your next
playthrough, as it stands it’s just “Escape as a good guy” or “Escape as a
wanker.” Either way you’re not locked under the sea slowly starving to death.
Don’t try and tell me that the bad ending, which I obviously
got, makes any kind of sense. Am I supposed to believe that a society
constructed a fully functioning city under the sea but couldn’t create a
vehicle capable of sending one man to the surface without leaking its entire
population? Maybe it was him blasting his way out that leaked all the Splicers
but if that’s the case then the whole city would drown and there can’t be a
sequel. I’m not sure exactly how deep Rapture is but I’m sure it’s not deep
enough to escape a nuclear blast and still be hospitable in time for the sequel
set 8 years later. Unless it is deep enough, in which case I’ll shut my fucking
mouth. The good ending makes much more sense but really, if you’re going to do
multiple endings AND make a sequel then all of the endings should work and make
100% sense in the context of the sequel. I don’t think there even should have
been a sequel, to be honest. Despite all of the plot holes and silliness
towards the end there are no loose threads or unanswered questions and nothing
to suggest that a sequel was necessary other than publisher greed, all a sequel
could possibly do is retcon and spoil the plot of the original and diminish its
effect in the name of pointless money-spinning. You also have to question the
sense in simply having “good” and “evil” endings. This is probably intended to be a criticism of the extreme nature of Objectivism but most people playing aren’t
going to be fucking Objectivists and are far more likely to be a mixture of the
two, saving Little Sisters when they can but harvesting them when they
desperately need a health upgrade, and reflecting this in maybe one more
neutral ending would have been swell.
Lastly, the final boss fight is something of a cruel joke.
All through the game, the importance of collecting a wide variety of plasmids
and tonics and upgrades is emphasised so a good final boss fight for a game of
this nature would be one that allows you to win in a variety of ways. But no,
you fight a big fuck off hulk thing in a clusterfucky environment in which all
of your plasmids are pretty much useless so if you haven’t stockpiled health
kits and grenade rounds as I luckily did then you get to die 50 times and have
an uncomfortable conversation with your landlord about why there’s an XBox
controller embedded in the living room wall.
So overall, a great game with fantastic gameplay,
environments, story and themes ruined by roughly 3 hours of the videogame
equivalent of a cat shitting in your face. Also, Ayn Rand.
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