I should point out to begin with that I won’t be going into
detail with the plot or gameplay of any of these games, if anything I’m
assuming you’ve played at least 2 of them already if you’re the kind of person who can
read and doesn’t fuck small rodents. This is more of a review of these versions
of the 3 games; I’ll be attempting to answer the question: “Is it worth
spending valuable heroin money on this package?”
Metal Gear Solid 2 stands as one of my favourite games ever,
with fantastic gameplay and a masterful, multi-layered Post-Modern storyline,
so it goes without saying that if you haven’t played it then you absolutely
should and this collection is as good a reason as any. But how does it compare
to the original? Well, in graphical terms, to my eyes anyway, very little has
changed. I imagine if you put the PS2 version next to this one you’d maybe see
a clearer picture but the difference is not massively appreciable on its own.
You could say that this stands as a testament to the sheer graphical quality of
the original; it was untouchable back in its day, probably one of the PS2’s
finest graphical achievements. Even now it still holds up; I’d certainly prefer
this graphics-wise to the parade of generic first person shooters with their
fifty shades of grey and nothing else colour schemes that infest modern gaming
like a swarm of unoriginal insects. I know Metal Gear Solid’s never been
Parappa the Rappa style-wise but the sunset alone should be enough to win over
even the most hardcore fans of dirt stained military complexes. With such
strong graphical foundations to build upon, there was very little that could be
done to improve the experience other than polishing things up a bit, and Konami
have done that admirably.
It’s worth noting that the version included with this
package is the ironically named Substance, not Sons of Liberty, which is one of
the main reasons that this version is worth acquiring. I imagine far fewer
people are familiar with this version so it’s worth discussing. The first major
addition is a set of VR Missions, ranging from weapons and sneaking to
elimination and bomb disposal, in a VR simulator, the Tanker and the Plant. You
can play as a variety of Metal Gear characters, a feature presumably added to
satiate every variety of Metal Gear fetishist, and the large number and huge
variety of these missions make them something of a time sink, but a very fun
one, of course. The second is called “Snake Tales,” a set of 5 non-canon short
tales starring Snake (doesn’t the name make much more sense, now?) performing
various tasks in the Plant. Now, these missions aren’t particularly
interesting, gameplay-wise. You’ll be doing the same kind of thing that you
always do in Metal Gear Solid, a bit of sneaking, a bit of escorting, a bit of
mandatory shooting. More of the same, really. One disappointing aspect of these
sections is the fixed difficulty; I’ve played the main story on every
difficulty and I’d say the Snake Tales are set somewhere around Hard Mode,
which may be too much for more casual fans, especially with the complete lack
of radar. The stories are a mixed bag, ranging from shameless rehashes of the
Plant storyline to monster hunting, but the lack of voice acting and cutscenes
give them a decidedly rushed and low budget feel.
One incredibly disappointing omission from this particular
version is the Skateboarding level. Not that anyone spent any great deal of
time playing this section but it was a fun, brainless little level that I’m sad
to see missing. Plus, that song! In fact, here, listen to it now, I’ll wait: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLcERHdm5RQ
See, wasn’t that AWESOME!
The REAL reason I was interested in this collection was for
this version of Metal Gear Solid 3. Again, it’s the upgraded version,
Subsistence in this case, that’s included in the collection, and one of the
features I was desperate to play this game with is having a rotatable camera on
the right analog stick. Sounds trivial, I know; most 3rd person
games rightfully have rotatable cameras by default but it was a glaring
omission from the original game. For a game that’s so focused on an almost
sandbox-type feel, in which enemies could come from anywhere and you had to be
watching every direction to avoid Soviet prostate removal, fixing the camera
was a ludicrous design choice. Hell, it even made several of the indoor
sections virtually fucking unplayable; making it so Snake was running towards
the camera meant that the player couldn’t see the dangers lying ahead,
resulting in what The Great One termed as “leap of faith” gameplay. The game is
just much more playable and fun with a rotating camera. A* Konami! As well as
the updated camera, the graphical improvements feel slightly more prominent in
this game for some reason; that may be because I’m finally able to view larger
areas in one go or it may be because I wasn’t too fond on the graphical style
of the original. Who knows? But yeah, it feels slightly better, now.
The only other additions to this version are the original
Metal Gear games for really old consoles. Now, I understand their importance to
the series development and as much as the stories of these games fascinate me,
anyone who has discussed video games with me before should know how much I
absolutely detest “retro gaming” in almost all of its forms. Probably something
to do with the fact that my first console was a PS1, which I would consider
just outside the realms of retro gaming for maybe another couple of years, and
the old-school NES-y feel of these games outright repulses me. But, you know,
they’re there. So if that’s your bag you should enjoy being able to play them
without shaky emulation, for once. That’s something.
The extras in this version of MGS3 seem to have suffered the
most in terms of removal of content. Obviously the online mode is gone; any
online game with a core user base of 7 players was never going to inspire
recreation, and things like the Boss Survival mode and the cutscene viewer are
all gone, not a big deal to me. What is a big deal to me is the removal of the
obscenely fun “Snake vs. Monkey” mode. Seriously, hunting monkeys in the jungle, what could
be more fun!? I wouldn’t say it’s a deal breaker though, a mild game changer at
worst; being able to play with a controlled camera was always a far bigger deal
than the extras with Subsistence anyway, and considering a PS2 copy still costs
£20 minimum, picking up this collection to experience MGS3 in its true form is
highly recommended.
The final game included in this package is Peace Walker. I’m
sorry if this section seems woefully short but I honestly didn’t play much of
Peace Walker. The story fascinates me in a similar way to the original retro
Metal Gears so I really wanted to get through it but I just found it virtually
unplayable. It’s very much a case of little nit-picks accumulating; enemies
turn around and trigger alarms the second you get close, rendering CQC useless,
the stiff and wooden animations and jerky movement controls, the imprecise
aiming, all just adds up to make this a frustrating experience. I’d previously
played Portable Ops on PSP and found it about as playable as a Kinect game
would be to a man with no arms and legs who doesn’t own a television so I was
hoping playing a console port of one of these games would make things easier
but exactly the same problems came up. Still, expecting them to completely
remake the game is probably a bit much for a package that’s already pretty good
value and I guess it was nice of them to port it at all, I guess. I’m sure most
MGS fans will enjoy it a lot more than I did.
In summary, I would highly recommend this collection. For
the absolute completest, the original versions of Substance and Subsistence are
still superior to those found here but for the more sensible and sane among us,
the opportunity to play a slightly graphically superior MGS2, the ultimate
version of MGS3 and a port that you may or may not enjoy for less than £30 in
most good retailers is a deal second only to The Orange Box is terms of sheer
value-gaming goodness ratio. It’s nice to see Konami get at least one of their
HD Collections right!
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